The Grand Union Connection
The Grand Union Connection is the output and collaboration of musicians Brian Reeves and Mike Nicholson, with the addition of Chris Bailey on drums and percussion.
Over the past 25 years, The Union have faithfully dedicated their time to perfecting their version of the traditional songwriting and recording methods akin to 50's and 60's record labels.
The Grand Union Connection mainly perform as a three-piece, writing and playing all of the parts on their recorded tracks, and occasionally drafting in other local musicians from west London to help on the fully amp'ed recordings or shows.
The band’s live sound blends traditional songbook music with 60's emotion to create a very British sound that follows the modern song structures and echoes traditional tuning and chordal roots. This combination enables the Union to scale up or down their sound and set list to suit the setting whether it's a big stage or back room. The Union work the day shift to make their bread but come evening time they quickly head off to the nearest open mic night gig to iron out the ghosts of the machine.