It is with pride that we bring our very best organic produce to markets across the country; we thrive on the enthusiasm we gain from our customers and it is this that drives us to farm, produce and deliver the very best food to your local farmer's market - or even to your door.
We really believe ‘You are what you eat’. It with this in mind that we produce the very best organic and natural foods we can. We also believe that we shouldn’t leave a legacy that overwhelms the world we live in, and there is a danger of that if we allow modern farming techniques to go too far. This is why we believe in protecting animals and the environment.

What’s truly important to us as an organisation. These are not values that change from time to time, situation to situation or person to person; they are the underpinning of our farm and family business.

We believe in:

• Rediscovering traditional wisdom
• Harnessing nature
• Sensitive land management
• Caring and conscientious animal husbandry
• Precise processing and production standards
• Sustainability for our land and our planet
• Producing the highest quality natural and organic products.

Pick’s Organic Farm Ltd