My chilli condiments and seasonings company was founded in 2018 (I've been full time since January 2023) and sells craft chilli products to delis, butchers, cafes, breweries, pubs and cocktail bars throughout the UK and France. I also have my range of sauces in Brixton Morley's Department Store (huge result!) and a website for direct to consumer sales. I follow an ethos of sustainability, only using recyclable packaging and working closely with a community run farm in Rwanda to provide the majority of my chilli ingredients. I also try to give back to the local community where my company was founded by working with Brixton based charities and businesses Such as Brixton Streetwear; a not for profit clothing company that gives back to a wide number of local charities including Brixton Soup Kitchen, and the Brixton Chamber Orchestra; a local charity who put on concerts for the local Lambeth estates.

Lazy Scientist Ltd