“Dragonfly Sky are an exceptional band, with lush harmonies and an incredibly alluring stage presence. Well-crafted songs with passionate vocals and skilled musicianship - Andy Brook - The Brook Studios

"Refreshingly original, infectious melodies and delicious harmonies" Jim Cozens - Singer-Songwriter

"I’ve seen Dragonfly Sky perform several times now and I love them more each time. Every performance is slick, consistent and entertaining. Amy’s voice draws you in, and the harmonies they intertwine are spot on. For me, music is a journey; I want to be taken somewhere. Dragonfly Sky use clever dynamics to create a unique sound that feels like your favourite slippers! I’d highly recommend them”.
Shelle Luscombe (Music Promoter)

With an eclectic mix of songs; their performances create atmospheres of both joy and intensity and you are guaranteed to be gripped from beginning to end. Don’t miss an opportunity to discover this outstanding band.

Dragonfly Sky